Friday, June 24, 2016

July Comment Challege + Why Bloggers Don't Comment Back

comment challenge

This challenge is hosted by Alicia @ A Kernal of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF

As I've mentioned, I've been participating this June in a commenting challenge, paired with the lovely Lauren at Always Me. It's been wonderful to meet and get on friendly terms with another blogger in our community, particularly one as interesting as Lauren.  She's a librarian, people! All bow down!

This month, I've met my commenting quotas, but I think I could do even better with reaching out through social media platforms.  So that's my goal for the remainder of June and this upcoming July.

My commenting partner for July will be Anne at My Head Is Full of Books. I look forward to sharing feedback with you, Anne! And Lauren, I look forward our continued friendship!

Why It's Okay To Not Comment Back

I want to write briefly on "commenting back."  As many know, it's when a blogger replies to the comments left by readers. Some bloggers always comment back.  Others don't, or do so only sporadically.

Some of my favorite bloggers do not comment back. It seems rather forthright to ask them why they don't, but I used my brain and came up with some feasible reasons why:

  • They don't have the time!

  • They'd rather visit your blog and comment there or reach out through social media.

  • They're overwhelmed by the sheer amount of comments.

  • They're shy and communicating directly to people is difficult.

  • They forget because there is a lot on their mind.

  • They don't know what to say in reply to people.

  • They feel like they'd repeat the same sentiment over and over again.

  • The comments are too confrontational and they want to keep the peace.

  • They believe that commenters won't check back to see a reply.

All of these are totally legit and respectable reasons why some bloggers choose not to comment back.

And here's one reason that may be assumed...

  • They don't care.

This is an easy thing to suspect of people, especially since human minds tend to suspect the worst before anything else.  I've fallen into the trap of thinking that a few bloggers don't care about the comments I leave them.  And maybe it's been true on a few occasions.  But most likely, there are other reasons behind the radio silence.

My Point Is...

To believe that bloggers who always comment back (and promptly, too!) are somehow more virtuous than less communicative bloggers, well, I think that's not the case.   Everyone has their own blogging style and operates their own way. Blogging is all about independence and freedom. If a blogger wants to run her blog in the manner she sees fit, more power to her, I say!


  1. I agree- there are so many reasons that someone might not comment back. I always try to give them the benefit of doubt, because you never know what might be going on in their lives.

  2. I am so excited to be your partner in July. I will be on vacation the first part of the month so if you don't hear from me right away that is why. I like to get my comments back on my blog rather than on email. The reason is because email overwhelms me. I have three email accounts and can't keep up. Also, if I go to a site, I leave a comment just to let the blogger know I was there. It makes me frustrated when people tell me they read my blog but they never, ever comment. Unfortunately, I think a lot of bloggers just want people to visit their sites but aren't interested in being good friends and seem to never visit back. It gets discouraging. I look forward to getting to know you better then coming month.

  3. I think you are right, there might very well be a whole lot of different reasons they don't comment back. We should never assume anything. ;) Great job on meeting your comment goals for this challenge!

  4. For me, it really depends on how often they don't comment back. I get people get busy and won't always to reply to everything. But if I go to a blog and see that the blogger hasn't replied to any comments on any posts, or if I know I have commented there several times in the past and have never received an answer, I'll stop commenting. For all I know, they're not even reading my comments, so why leave them?

  5. You know how I feel about commenting back. I don't waste my time with bloggers who don't, to be honest. That's just me. I could go on and on about bloggers who think they're so popular they can't comment back, but well. I feel like being nice today. ;-)

  6. I HAVE noticed that it's bloggers who've hit "the big time" who most likely don't comment back. I've bounced comments off a few of them to none of their apparent notice.

  7. I agree. While I think it's every blogger's right to comment back or not, honey attracts more flies. It's also the prerogative of visitors to visit the blogs they like!

  8. Yes! My current "acceptance policy" (lol) comes after feeling a lot of angst over my blogging friend crushes not commenting back. My solution now is to either 1) stop visiting their blog as often or 2) continue to read their blog, without leaving comments.

  9. Yay, so nice to meet you, Anne! No worries about being absent during the first part of the month! I was moving during the first part of June and had no time to visit Lauren for the first week or so.... I should have told her the reason why, now that I think on it. Oops. Sorry, Lauren!

    I think it's a great policy to leave a note when one visits a blog. It's something I could definitely be better at doing. *writes it on list*

  10. Sometimes a little research can give some insight about what's going on in their lives, too! There was one blogger I had a friend crush on who would never comment back to me, and I found out through one of her posts that she was overwhelmed with college and barely keeping up with reading and blogging. I just decided there to read her reviews on goodreads and stop knocking up her door.

  11. It's been a good month so far and I hope you enjoy getting to know Anne - she's very nice. And, thanks for the kind words. It's been great getting to know you and I will definitely be returning to your blog! :)

  12. I'm so glad that you and Lauren have made a connection! And, thank you for going above and beyond by connect with her in the social media world. Sometimes, just because bloggers don't comment back, it doesn't mean they don't care. I'm glad you have such a positive outlook! We can all learn from your wisdom. Happy commenting! ~Lonna @ FLYLēF

  13. RT @bookishpeach: July Comment Challege + Why Bloggers Don’t Comment Back

  14. What an interesting discussion on comments. I've personally made a commitment to always comment back, but it is not an easy feat (and sometimes I slip). I will say that I do think that leaving a comment on a blog is really the best way to let bloggers know that people are reading and enjoying what you write, but there are always good reasons why someone might not comment on your blog and that's okay too. Hope you enjoy the challenge!

  15. This is an interesting challenge. You seem to be having fun with it! I like leaving comments, but half the time I forget where I commented/what I said, & I don't even know if someone has commented back unless the comment platform itself notifies me (like in WP or Disqus). Lots of food for thought in this post.
