Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted weekly by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's topic is Top Ten Books With an X Setting, where X is each blog's own choice. Ellen immediately was drawn to a certain setting... the ocean. What especially is interesting to her, is how the ocean can play a meaningful part in the book, whether it's an important backdrop, a symbolic force, or even a source of conflict! With these choices below, the stories would not exist or be as powerful without the ocean being involved.
Sierra's Picks
A Ring of Endless Delight · Madeline L'Engle
Austin Family #5
This is a childhood favorite of mine that still holds up for me after all these years. I remember re-reading this book over and over again during those times that I longed to be a part of the Austin family. This book focuses on Vicky Austin and her siblings while they visit their ailing grandfather who lives on an island. During this time, Vicky gets involved with a friend's research on dolphins. Her time in the ocean and her connections with her dolphin friends play a big role as she tries to accept her grandfather's fate. As a fun fact, this is also a Disney Channel original movie! I believe Jared Padelecki made his debut here.
Ship of Magic · Robin Hobb
Liveship Traders #1
This has been a popular entry on my Top Ten Tuesdays! I can't help it guys, it just fits SO WELL. This is about a merchant family who makes their living from sailing their liveship from port to port. Liveships are made from a special type of wood which allows the ships to have a semblance of sentience. After three generations of family members pass away on the liveship, the liveship awakens as a fully sentient being. THAT PREMISE IS SO COOL. And you know, the ocean is important cause... ships. Duh.
The Scorpio Races · Maggie Stiefvater
One of my ALL-TIME favorites! It happens to be Ellen's as well and she also picked this one for her list! Her description is far superior than anything I could write up.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane · Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman is a gorgeous writer. This whole book is so damn quotable. It's also a wonderful introduction to Neil's adult works since this is the shortest of his published novels. This book is whimsical and child-like but not in a way that's patronizing or superficial. I will not say anymore. It is best to go into this book with a hot cup of tea or cocoa and lose yourself for a few hours with no interruptions.
Troubled Waters · Sharon Shinn
Elemental Blessings #1
This was my first Sharon Shinn book and it definitely wasn't the last! My memory of this book is a little dull (time for a re-read I daresay). I don't believe there is mention of the ocean per-say. However, the elements and elemental magic play a huge role within this society. Water, of course, is one of them.
Ellen's Picks
The Rapture of the Deep · L.A. Meyer
Of course, I knew I'd be picking an L.A. Meyer book! The question was... which freaking one? It came down to In the Belly of the Bloodhound versus The Rapture of the Deep. I went so far as to put the cover up for In the Belly of the Bloodhound, but changed my mind when writing this feature. In The Rapture of the Deep, Jackie Faber is coerced by the British government into recovering huge amounts of treasure from a Spanish shipwreck off the Bahamas. They give her new technology, a diving bell, and tell Jackie to get them their money... or else. The descriptions of Jackie's underwater explorations are breathtaking. Also... feminism! As a British "lady" in the 1800's, it was extremely untoward for Jackie to be so athletic. Seeing her drop jaws and swim like a fish makes for fist-lifting triumph!
Daughter of Deep Silence · Carrie Ryan
The ocean is a striking backdrop for a vicious revenge tale in Daughter of Deep Silence. The book wasn't the best read on the planet, but I loved the role that water played in the story. It vacillates amongst being a harsh adversary, a chilling reminder, and a sensual surrounding. Although it isn't explicitly communicated, I also thought that the unforgiving and boundless ocean echoed the main character's rage and her need for revenge.
Read my full review of Daughter of Deep Silence HERE.
The Scorpio Races · Maggie Steifvater
The Scorpio Races is one of my favorite books of all time. In it, the mythology of the Capaill Uisce, or flesh-eating water horses, is brought to life. What if the Capaille Uisce were real? What if their only home on land was a small, cold island? What if people, from around the world, came to that island to witness an annual, deadly race along a rocky stretch of beach? All of these what-ifs and more are answered and explored in The Scorpio Races.
Read my full review of The Scorpio Races HERE.
The Odyssey · Homer
In The Odyssey, an ocean separates Odysseus from his home and his family following the Trojan War. He must travel across the watery landscape for years, encountering and outsmarting the worst monsters that the sea and the gods can spew at him. This epic poem originated in Greece, and having the great fortune to have visited that country, I can attest that the ocean is a powerful and unescapable facet of the landscape. How apt that one of Greece's greatest epics would feature the ocean so prominently.
The Child of the Prophecy · Juliet Marillier
This book is so romantic! The daughter of a reclusive sorcerer, Fianne is destined to play a crucial role in a prophecy. Fianne grows up knowing that she will have to make great sacrifices in her life, but her friendship with a traveling gypsy boy, Darragh, is an idyllic part of her childhood. One season every year, Darragh and his family travel to Fianne's village, and the children play by the rocky coastline adjacent to Fianne's home in the cliffside caves. When they grow up, however, Fianne must leave home to begin her heart-wrenching task. Darragh, however, will not give up on the girl he loves. This story is epic and beautiful, and the ocean becomes, many times, a way for Darragh to prove his incredible devotion. How, you ask? You'll just have to read to find out!
We are so incredibly excited to see what you guys picked as your setting. Make sure you link your own Top Ten Tuesday so we can stop by and say hello!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Yes yes yees, put the Liveship Traders in every list possible :-) I love the books as well, they are just fantastic! Enjoyed the Ocean at the end of the lane as well! Funny though, 'Child of the Prophecy' is my least favourite Sevenwaters novel xD Love the topic you chose!
ReplyDeleteI loved The Ocean at the End of the Lane! A great book. Wonderful list! :-)
ReplyDeleteAHHH I love The Scorpio Races. It is such a great little world with such good messages.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT:
Books set in ocean! This is such an interesting topic! I haven't read any of the books on your list, and in fact, I don't think I have read any book set in the ocean.
ReplyDeleteThe Ocean at the End of the Lane is such a fantastic book. Neil Gaiman is an incredibly talented writer, and I also love listening to him narrate his own audio books. Great list! :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read The Ocean at the End of the Lane yet, but I definitely need to. People love the book so much. And I agree, Neil Gaiman's voice is like... like... dark matter and butter combined!
ReplyDeleteI do love any post that includes something by Juliet Marillier! I love the setting y'all chose. Such a good choice!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT.
Ack. I need to read Scorpio Races. I was under the impression that it's geared for a younger audience but someone set me right.
ReplyDeleteGreat list, ladies. As always, you've a varied selection. :)
I see you both put Scoprpio Races on your lists. I am glad. It is such an amazing book. I also had a Madeleine L'Engle book on my Olympics Based Tag this week. I loved A Wrinkle in Time as a kid.
ReplyDeleteAwesome choices! I would add one of my recent reads, The Girl From Everywhere, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are familiar with most of our list! Thanks for visiting :)
ReplyDeleteIt is a favorite of mine! I'm looking forward to your list :)
ReplyDeleteOOOOH! Hi you guys! I'm sorry I've been such a flaky comment partner - I've been drowning in college work and well, here I am now! SO SORRY!
ReplyDeleteOOOOH! I haven't read any of these books, but Daughter of Deep Silence and The Scorpio Races are on my TBR! The only book I can think of is The Siren that has an ocean setting. Have you read that one?
Oh I love the Scorpio Races! I have been wanting to re-read it as of late, I’m thinking in November when I plan to make some of the November cakes again ;) Also enjoyed Daughter of Deep Silence and the parts of the Odyssey that I have read (I say parts as it was condensed)! Great lists!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! Love that you both included the Scorpio Races! I haven't read it yet, but I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing so I should definitely give it a try!