Friday, February 13, 2015

I'll Meet You There Review

My anticipation for this book was really high, despite my dislike for Demetrios' recent novels, Exquisite Captive and Something Real.  I think the concept of a contemporary romance, filthied by such extreme issues as poverty and amputation caught my interest, frankly.  I'm past the point of my life where I find Dessen-caliber contemporaries compelling — I need a little more grit to muster up my enjoyment, as off-kilter as that sounds.

Additionally, the early favorable reviews of I'll Meet You There had me really excited.  I pre-ordered the book on Amazon, and when I woke up at 1am the morning of the book's release day, I grabbed my kindle from my bedside table, and read the entire book before falling back to sleep.

I'm rating I'll Meet You There at 3 stars, because the book kept my interest so well. It was well written.  I didn't roll my eyes at any egregiously stupid parts, as I'm doing more and more with YA books these days (to my dismay).  I did, however, frown a lot while reading this novel.  Let me explain...

Although I've read a lot of reviews that note how I'll Meet You There has a slow-to-progress romance, that the romantic element of the book is more of a side note, I'm of the opinion that the book is a flat-out romance, no doubt about it.

I have no problem with this.  I love romances.  However, that means that Josh Mitchell, our male protagonist, is technically a romantic hero.  And Josh Mitchell is a, um, different romantic hero than I'm accustomed to.

Normally, this would be outstanding.  There's a lot of discussion out there about how characters in the romance genre are cliched up the wazoo.  So any diversions from tired tropes are good.  It's great when characters are recognizable as flesh-and-blood people.  Josh Mitchell is a recognizable human character.  I know a ton of douchebags just like him.

Seriously, this character that Demetrios has served to us, is a dick.  The first time readers meet Josh, he calls one the heroine's friends a faggot.  Not okay!  Although Josh makes an apology later (although to the heroine, not to the person he actually, you know, was a homophobic asshole to) he makes lots of douche-bro, meathead faux pas along our romantic journey with him.  Like an emotional imbecile, he repeatedly calls himself a pussy for experiencing PTSD symptoms. He has those nude-girl silhouette bumper stickers on his truck like a big, panting neanderthal. His favorite outlet of frustration is to throw beer bottles out of his truck window at abandoned gas stations like some sort of unimaginative goon.  I could go on, but I won't.

So my problem with I'll Meet You There is that, although Josh Mitchell is representative of many young men, he didn't light my fire.  At all.  For a romance, that's a deathstroke.

So, Something Real, Exquisite Captive, and I'll Meet You There. That's three strikes.  Unless future Demetrios books get utter raves, I'm going to pass on this author's works.


  1. it sounds like Josh Mitchell will try my patience. I WAS looking forward to reading this book, but now, I'm not so sure.

  2. You made me actually laugh out loud with your "Josh Mitchell is a recognizable human character. I know a ton of douchebags just like him." I found it super hilarious! XD

    I had such high expectations for this!! What with all the hype and intersting synopsis! I guess I'll just have to lower my expectations... *sigh*

    OHMYGOSH, I've been rolling my eyes lately, as well!! D: It's sad...

    Anyway, hope your next read is better!
    Follower via Bloglovin', follow back?
    ~Fari 0:) @ My Little Corner for Books

  3. Ah that's disappointing to read. I'm really looking this one. But I'm kind of tentative about the dick love interest xD Great review.

  4. I barely skimmed your review because this is one I'm dying to read but I did notice you only gave it 3 stars. *bites thumb nail* Once I read this, which should be soon'ish, I will circle back so we can discuss the good, bad and ugly! ;)

  5. Are you serious about the love interest? Oh my gosh, this guy might be the end of me if I read the this book. I tried reading her other book Exquisite Captive but I didn't get to finish it before it had to be back at the library but I wasn't sure if it was for me. Nice review!
